10 Simple Questions to Get to Know Yourself Better

by Meghan

This post is sponsored by Twinings of London facilitated by the Mom It Forward Influencer Network. Grab a cup of Twinings of London Herbal Tea, and answer these simple questions to get to know yourself better so you can #BeYourBestBlend.

Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with social media? You love scouring Pinterest for ideas for your kid’s next birthday party, but after a few scrolls through you are left feeling woefully inadequate about your own baking skills, what you’re making for dinner tonight, and that you can’t DIY to save your life. You enjoy following all your friends on Instagram for their cute kid pics, but those lifestyle moms leave you feeling depressed about your wardrobe and your not-so farmhouse chic home. Instead of measuring yourself against everyone else’s best version of themselves, grab a cup of and sit down to answer a few questions to get to know yourself better… Discover how to be YOUR best blend, while shutting out all the noise, and enter to win a Twinings of London prize package at the end of this post.

How Well Do You Know Yourself?

It sounds like a silly question. Who knows you better than you do? But it is all too easy for moms especially to lose themselves in the daily grind of motherhood. We give up our bodies, nutrition, and sleep to physically grow and care for tiny humans. Sometimes we give up our careers and life dreams. And as your children grow and you add more of them to your family, life only gets busier and demands evermore of you. Every day, you sacrifice more and more of your own personal needs for the good of your family.

Motherhood is incredibly selfless… throw in measuring yourself against the filtered to perfection lives we see on Instagram, and it’s no wonder we lose sight of who we really are and what makes us uniquely happy.

We Are All Wired Differently… And That’s Okay

All those social media accounts have one thing in common… those women are sharing the best version of themselves with the world. The beautiful farmhouse interiors are shared by women with a passion for decorating (and often an extensive education in interior design); and the picture perfect dinners are served up by people who love to cook (and perhaps even have significant staff helping them pull it all off). We view them collectively, as though it’s one woman doing it all, and then feel inadequate because we aren’t capable pulling it all off – instead of recognizing them and ourselves as individuals, with different skills, talents and interests.

Ray Dalio is the founder of the largest hedge fund in the world; he recently published the guide he used to build his company as a book, Principles, and it instantly became a #1 NY Times Bestseller. One of his principles for life is that we should understand that all people are wired differently. And more importantly, there is tremendous power in understanding how YOU are wired. Big businesses use personality tests to suss out these attributes to determine if your personality type and the way you think are right for the job.

But you can also use the following 10 simple questions to get to know yourself better. Knowing who you are (and who you are not) will help you be the best version of yourself.

Simple Questions to Get to Know Yourself Better

Knowing yourself better is powerful for several reasons. Knowing who you are – your strengths, weaknesses, and biases; what motivates you and what causes undue stress – can help you filter the noise from non-stop family life. How often do you take just a moment out of your day to question if what you are doing is fulfilling or even necessary?

Putting it down on paper, can help you create a permanent guide to re-center yourself whenever you become overwhelmed by the incessant demands of motherhood. Use it to inform what tasks you find meaningful, and those that are better left for someone else… no matter the popularity of it on social media. Plus, there are tremendous psychological benefits that come with writing things down… so, grab a cup of your favorite Twinings of London Herbal Tea, print these 10 questions to get to know yourself better in our easy to download and answer printable, and spend 10-15 minutes answering them truthfully and honestly to help you #BeYourBestBlend.

When are you most relaxed?
When do you feel the greatest sense of accomplishment?
What activities do you engage in that make you lose all track of time?
What do you consider to be your biggest strengths?
What would those closest to you say they admire most about you?
What do you consider your biggest weakness(es)?
What would those closest to you say are your biggest struggles?
What is your biggest source of stress?
What are your favorite mental, emotional, creative outlets?
How often do you engage in those outlets?

Printable questions to get to know yourself better. Have a up of Twinings Herbal Tea to take a 10 minute break and find yourself each day #BeYourBestBlend #Ad

Use your answers to re-align your life to do more of what makes you happier and less stressed, and eliminate the things you do solely to impress everybody else. If you don’t love to bake, stop trying to make Pinterest-perfect treats for class holiday parties. If you don’t give a flip about the latest fashion, stop wasting money on the latest trends every year.

If you tend to overschedule yourself, get better at saying no and adding more breathing room to your schedule. And conversely, if those things do make you happy, do more of them! But do it for you… Stop being intimidated by what you see on social media, and start using it for inspiration in areas you care about.

How to #BeYourBestBlend

wants to encourage us all to #BeYourBestBlend. Producing quality tea for more than 300 years, Twinings of London uses the finest ingredients sourced from all over the world to craft unique blends with a perfect balance of taste, flavor and aroma. With 17 herbal blends for you to choose from, including the latest additions of Lemon Delight, Berry Fusion and Buttermint, find your favorite to enhance your relaxing moments. Check out on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see how others are achieving their best blend.

Each day this week, take a moment to pour yourself a cup of your favorite , and find yourself again. On the first day, answer the questions to get to know yourself better. The next day, use your answers as a guide to make your life the best blend it can be. Pick a stress from your life and make a game plan to eliminate it. Craft a routine that allows you to explore at least one of your outlets at least once a week, if not everyday.

Filling your life with more of what you love, and eliminating what you don’t, will make you a happier, better mom – and allow you to become the best blend of yourself – not just an emulation of everything else you see that leaves you feeling frazzled and stressed.

Twinings of London Giveaway

Enter to win a Twinings of London prize pack! One (1) winner will receive a prize pack, including three primary herbal blends, from Twinings of London (ARV $50). Entries must use #BeYourBlend and #Sweepstakes to be elgible for entry. Follow Twinings of London on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter  to gain more entries. Upon selection, winner must provide shipping address to receive prize.

Twinings of London Giveaway

After answering the questions to get to know yourself better, what is something that stands out to you in your daily life that is most fulfilling? What about something you need to eliminate to de-stress? How are you going to #BeYourBestBlend starting today? Want to know how I made these fun mugs? Stay tuned for a quick and easy tutorial to make your own jumbo mug for less than $6.

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Printable questions to get to know yourself better. Have a up of Twinings Herbal Tea to take a 10 minute break and find yourself each day #BeYourBestBlend #Ad


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Deny July 5, 2018 - 12:03 am

Hi Meghan, those are good questions to think about while sipping some tea 🙂 The question about what others admire around me remind me of what my friend said. She said that, when talking to someone, I give them full attention and can make them feel like they’re the most important person in the room. But I have to truly care about that person to treat them that way, and not only idle chit-chat. I’m always looking for ways to learn more about myself and your ten questions is a resource I like. Cheers!

Meghan July 8, 2018 - 9:06 am

Thanks Deny! That is a great strength to have – I like that question too because I think all too often we are our own harshest critic. Often, those closest to you see your strengths more clearly than you see them yourself.

Samary February 7, 2018 - 4:33 pm

Love that questionnaire! And from time to time I enjoy some
Tea too 😉

Meghan February 7, 2018 - 4:44 pm

Thank you! It’s the perfect way to relax on a cold, snowy afternoon <3

Caitlin February 7, 2018 - 4:33 pm

I cannot wait to answer these questions for myself! What a fantastic post 🙂 And I love Twinings tea!

Meghan February 7, 2018 - 4:44 pm

Thanks Caitlin! There’s something about just having the ritual of afternoon tea and making yourself take a few minutes to THINK that makes all the difference in a day.


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