20 Ways to Make the Most of Your Family Christmas Pajamas

by Meghan

This post is sponsored by Carter’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Family Christmas pajamas are a part of everyone’s holiday – learn how to get the most wear (and precious photo ops) out of yours!

Every year for as long as I can remember, my mom has given me holiday pajamas… I’m well into my 30s, and she still does it! I have continued the tradition of family Christmas pajamas with my own kids. And for our family, it’s as central a part of the holiday magic as Santa and the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree. But for millions of children in America, pajamas are a privilege they have never experienced. Read on to learn how to make the most of your family Christmas pajamas, as well as how you can give the gift of holiday pajamas to a child in need through the Pajama Program and Carter’s.

What are your family Christmas pajama traditions? Here's 20 ways to make the most of this festive holiday tradition #ad #lovecarters #pajamaprogram

20 Magical Traditions with Holiday PJs

Every family has its own holiday traditions, even when it comes down to their family Christmas pajamas… from when they get them to where they wear them! What are you family’s favorite holiday pajamas traditions? Maybe you can find a few more to make the most of your festive sleepwear.

5 Occasions to Give Holiday Pajamas

When do you give your kids their Christmas pajamas? There is no wrong answer, but I’m in favor of the earlier the better to make the most of them all December long. I asked some of my followers and friends about their family Christmas pajamas traditions, and here’s what they had to say on timing.

  • Our friend Beth, at Days with Grey, says her family’s Elf on the Shelf brings her kids holiday pajamas when he appears on Thanksgiving!
  • Shaunna from Fantastic Fun and Learning says: “In many families the tradition is to give Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve, and the first year I had children that is what we did. However, in my opinion those cute little reindeer pjs didn’t get quite enough wear that first year.So instead we now begin our advent activities on December 1st with a little gift bag that includes our new Christmas jammies and some other festive holiday things that I’ve collected for the season.”
  • As a child, my mom always gave us our matching Christmas pajamas on St. Nicholas Day, December 6th, an old German tradition
  • Now, I like to give my kids their holiday pajamas the morning we put up our tree. There is nothing more precious than kids decorating the tree in their matching Christmas pjs
  • And the most popular timing? Christmas Eve. Rachael from Wunder-Mom gives The Christmas Eve box which includes her family Christmas pajamas for her four kids

Carter’s Pajama Program

Once you’ve picked your date, head to your local Carter’s to shop their awesome Holiday collection with Christmas pajamas for all the kids in your family. For the seventh year, Carter’s is also collaborating with the Pajama Program to provide comfort to children in your own community who don’t have a warm pair of pajamas to keep them warm at night.

When you are buying your family Christmas pajamas, consider buying an extra pair to donate right in the store, or giving money at checkout. Carter’s is accepting new pajama donations in Carter’s stores, as well as monetary donations at checkout both in store and online through the end of the year (12/31/2017). Carter’s is committed to matching donations up to 100,000 pajamas. Help make the magic of holiday pajamas part of all kids’ Christmas!

What are your family Christmas pajama traditions? Here's 20 ways to make the most of this festive holiday tradition #ad #lovecarters #pajamaprogram

15 More Ways to Make the Most of Your Family Christmas Pajamas

Once you have given your holiday pajamas, you can make them part of your holiday magic (which is why I love to give them early!). My favorite magical holiday tradition? When I was little, my grandparents used to pack us into their car with hot chocolate and Christmas cookies, in our Christmas pajamas, and drive us all around to see the Christmas lights!

Here are some more magical traditions where you can sport your holiday pajamas…

  • Wear family Christmas pajamas for your holiday card photo
  • Decorate your Christmas tree in holiday pjs
  • Attend your town’s tree lighting in your family Christmas pajamas
  • Watch your family’s favorite Christmas movies
  • My personal favorite… go drive around and see Christmas lights
  • Wear Christmas pajamas to Breakfast with Santa
  • Go in holiday pjs to your local Polar Express
  • Have a pajama dance party to your favorite Christmas carols (my kids are partial to The Nutcracker!)
  • Host a holiday pajama party
  • Bake Christmas cookies in your holiday pjs
  • Go see Santa in your Christmas pjs
  • Decorate ginger bread houses in your jammies
  • Many elementary schools have a holiday pajama day
  • While you read The Night Before Christmas before bed on Christmas Eve
  • For opening gifts Christmas morning

My close second favorite is definitely wearing them to bed on Christmas Eve. My Grandfather, who might as well have been Mr. Christmas, used to read The Night Before Christmas to me and all my cousins on Christmas Eve in our pajamas… it was the only time all night you could hear a pin drop in that house. Before he died, he recorded a version for all of us for Christmas one year – definitely a major part of my family’s holiday magic and one of my most cherished posessions.

Did I miss any of your family’s favorite Christmas pajama traditions? I love to use ours the whole month as our casual, festive attire – for all the hands-on holiday fun you might not want to mess up your Christmas dresses for.

For more of my family’s favorite holiday traditions, be sure to check out My Family Christmas Cookies, our Kids Holiday Game Day, and our favorite family party game, Jingle Bell Toss! And above all, if you’re family is blessed to celebrate this season, be sure to give back as well. The Pajama Program is an easy way to do it, and a way to spread the magic of family Christmas pajamas too.

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What are your family Christmas pajama traditions? Here's 20 ways to make the most of this festive holiday tradition #ad #lovecarters #pajamaprogram

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1 comment

Mom December 6, 2017 - 3:37 pm

Your post made me teary eyed at all your fond memories. I adored creating holiday magic for you and your siblings. It is so hard to live so far away from our grandchildren, but our Face Times and your post keep you all near and dear to our hearts. I love that Carter’s has this pj donation. I participated when I purchased Carter baby outfits for the two baby Es. Grandfather is chuckling and winking from heaven as he helps decorate for the season! 😘🎄❤️🎅🏻


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