This post is sponsored by Twinings of London facilitated by the Mom It Forward Influencer Network. Come warmer days, I trade my afternoon cup of hot tea for iced, Southern-style sun tea. Learn how to make sun tea and #BeYourBestBlend. You can take the girl out of the South, but…
I’m all for celebrating the red, white and blue… all summer long. From decorative stars and stripes banners to festive patriotic food. I just wish the food didn’t always require food coloring. And guess what? Our family’s favorite Red White and Blue Cookies, perfect from Memorial Day to Independence day,…
I received complimentary product from Oriental Trading to facilitate this post. As always, opinions remain 100% my own. This summer, we celebrated my 4 year old, who had never had a birthday party of her own, in true Hawaiian luau style… with a Moana birthday party theme at our local…
This is a sponsored post by Learning Resources. Be sure to see the complete post, including all hidden veggies popsicle recipes on the Learning Resources blog. Nothing makes for a better end to a hot summer day than an ice cold frozen treat. How would you love to also sneak…
Welcome to STEAM for Kids Week! For my regular readers, this week I am the host for the 12-week Summer Camp at Home series, hosted by Wunder Mom. For those joining from the Summer Camp series, welcome to the Playground Parkbench. This week I am sharing kids learning activities you…
No matter the season, occasion or location, my husband’s dessert request is always the same. He wants Key Lime Pie. Fortunately, I’ve become an expert at whipping one up from scratch at home. The ingredients are simple, few and thus, easily manipulable to make all variety of cream pies – including my new…
I’ve always been afraid of using the grill. This meant that the only time we used it was on weekends when my husband was home to cook dinner. So this summer, I finally ripped the bandaid off. And y’all, with a gas grill, it’s as easy as using a gas stove, cooks…
I received complementary product from Oriental Trading featured in this post. As always, opinions remain 100% my own. Need a quick and easy dessert option for your next party? No matter the birthday party theme or age group of your guests, a Make Your Own S’mores Bar is a guaranteed crowd pleaser.…
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Vintage Seltzer. All opinions are 100% mine. It’s happened to me this summer already. I get all 3 kids in swimsuits, lather them up with sunscreen, grab their water bottles, snacks, towels, and pool toys and lug it all to…
This post was sponsored by P&G as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review. #PGDetailsMatter #IC The kids are out of school for the summer. And before you even make it to lunch at the end of the first day, the…
Want a cheap but chic, quick and easy DIY patriotic decoration for summer? You may have caught our kid-made burlap banners for Halloween and Christmas. And just before Memorial Day, we shared a sneak peek of this kid-made July 4th Banner on our weekly installment of Facebook Live. How To Make July…
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FreeToBe #CollectiveBias School is out. The kids are home. And before breakfast is done they are clamoring for the day’s entertainment. With just a few basic supplies, let them be free to compete in their…
Sprinklers. Bush forts. Spitting watermelon seeds. Chasing the ice cream truck. Playing ‘Colored Eggs’ in the pool. Those are the throwback kids activities for summer I remember from my childhood. And oh, how memorable they were. I want to fill my kids’ summers with just as awesome memories. For the month…
ActiveArchitecture and EngineeringFor KidsOutdoor
Race Cars: Engineering for Kids in Action
by MeghanWarmer weather is finally here to stay… and so it’s time to take the Architecture and Engineering for Kids series outdoors! The girls get total credit for this one: who knew race cars could provide such a great engineering lesson? Engineering in Action Baby M got these fun, pull back race cars…
The iconic children’s classic, Make Way for Ducklings, celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. It has inspired a love of ducks in generations of children. And the desire to interact with ducks in public parks everywhere. How many of you went to feed the ducks as a child, and have…
I received complementary product from Stickerkid to facilitate my review. As always, opinions remain 100% my own. With kids, comes stuff. And with summer, more of their stuff just seems to get lost or left behind. Schools, parks, playgrounds, pools – wherever kids congregate – are always littered with lost…
Starting the seeds for our garden on Earth Day is quickly becoming an annual tradition in our family. The wonder and awe the growing process inspires in young children makes gardening even more fun! To turn our garden into a season-long learning process this year, I created a Preschool Garden…
Need a preschool craft for summer camp? Or maybe a kids’ craft table at your summer Lobster Bake? I’ve got your covered. These Red White and Blue Patriotic Station Necklaces will be the hit at all your summer festivities from Memorial Day through the 4th of July! Red White and Blue Sea…
I didn’t know any better. Every summer, I lathered my fair and super sensitive skin kids up in the highest SPF sunscreens I could find to keep them safe in the sun. Turns out, I may have been doing more harm than good. Want to protect your family from the sun…
Blowing bubbles with our homemade bubble solution has been one of the girls’ favorite summer activities. However, halfway through the summer, our giant Dollar Store bubbles wands are beginning to fall apart. So this week, I decided to seize upon the girls’ favorite outdoor activity as a learning opportunity with…