Do you find hosting holiday meals intimidating? With a little planning and organization, I promise ANYONE can do it. I hosted my first Thanksgiving a few years ago with 3 kids, including a 6 week old newborn. I must have been crazy, but I pulled it off my carefully planning it all out, from how much food I needed to buy, to when I needed to start cooking it all to have everything hot and on the table in time to eat. I’ve turned my lists and tables into the ultimate FREE printable Holiday Cooking Calculator.
The Cooking Calculator
The 5 page Holiday Cooking Calculator will walk you through step by step how to plan and execute a holiday meal to perfection. How much food do you need to serve the number of people you are hosting? How long and at what temperature do you need to cook your meat? How do you make all the food ready at once without getting cold?
The Cooking Calculator and Scheduler will help guide you through the entire planning process, to create a road map that you can follow the day of your event, so you can deliver the perfect meal without the stress.
First, you need to know how many people you are having, and when you want to eat. This will help you deterine how much food you need to have and what you want to serve. Once you set your menu, make your grocery list and complete the provided table so you can see at a glance how long each item takes to prepare, cook and at what temperature. Armed with these details all in one place, you can then schedule your cooking plan for the day, including scheduling oven space. You will work backwards from the time you want to eat, and schedule the hours before the event based on your specific menu.
Holiday Cooking, Planned to Perfection
The Holiday Cooking Calculator includes 7 different tables to help you plan the perfect holiday meal. If you spend just 15-30 minutes completing these lists, you will save yourself stress and hours of extra work. And best of all, you will actually be able to enjoy your holiday with your guests, instead of being completely stuck in the kitchen.
- How much food you need by type
- Plan your menu
- Make your grocery list
- Determine how long / hot to cook your meat (poultry roasting guide and USDA recommended cooking temperatures)
- Organize your cooking details (item, prep time, cooking time and temperature)
- Plan your cooking schedule
Happy Holiday Cooking with a Cooking Calculator!
So who is ready to tackle hosting their family’s next holiday meal? Have a suggestion for additions or improvements to the Holiday Cooking Calculator? I’d love to hear them. I’d also love to see your menus for your family’s various holiday meals. Email them to me to be featured here.
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