Toddler Tree and Indoor Snowman

by Meghan

For Big M’s second Christmas… the first she would be mobile and capable of tearing down the tree… we were fully prepared.  We bought a play yard system to put around it, and fortunately, never even had to take it out of the box!  She was very content obeying the “One finger!” rule.  But she was beyond ecstatic when I made her a tree of her very own to play with and manipulate to her little heart’s content.

Toddler Felt Christmas Tree

Shopping List:


1/2 – 1 yard of green

1/2 – 1 yard of white

Several individual 8×11 felt sheets: red, yellow, colors of your choice

Fabric/craft glue

Cost: Less than $20

Prep Time: Initial creating – 1 hour, After – No Prep

Clean-Up Time: None

We set it up on our Crayola Easel, using a large white piece of felt as a backdrop that everything else can stick to… You don’t have to do anything to the felt to make it stick.  The craft glue is only if you want to decorate your felt ornaments.  The felt ornaments will cling to the felt tree all on their own!

IMG_6020 IMG_6021 IMG_6024

Guru Tip: I like using one large piece of felt as the background because at the end of the season, it can be easily rolled up with all the pieces inside and stored along with the rest of the holiday decorations.

Fast forward two years to Lil’ M’s first mobile Christmas – I thought for sure we would be busting out that still in the box play yard system.  The first 24 hours the tree was up, I was even more convinced. But after a few redirections to the Toddler Tree or my other holiday fav, our Little People Nativity set, the play yard remains in the box in the basement.  And Big M still likes to play with it too!


The Toddler Tree was such a hit during the holidays, when we put it away, Big M kept asking for it… and since I may have a small tendency to overbuy when it comes to crafts, I had enough leftover materials to make an Indoor Snowman!

Indoor Felt Snowman IMG_6719 IMG_6720

I leave these out for the season, and both girls play with them off and on all day.  With two sides to the easel, there’s no fighting either!  This year I may make some new felt ornaments for the tree with Big M… and carry the felt “activity board” into February with felt valentines.  I don’t have any templates – I free handed everything with the tree (as you can probably tell).  For the snowman, I traced different size bowls for the three big circles and free handed the rest.

Share your felt creation with us!



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