Rent Maternity Clothes with Bella Gravida

by Meghan
 I participated in a Blog Blast Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Bella Gravida. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Last Friday, I had to go to a wedding… at 38 weeks pregnant.  I can’t tell you how many dresses I tried on from my closet before finding one that passed as barely acceptable.  This is my last pregnancy, and I couldn’t justify spending $200+ on a formal, maternity dress I would only be wearing this one time.  If only I could borrow a suitable outfit for the night?!?

Rent Maternity Clothes with Bella GravidaBella Gravida lets you do just that – and better yet, you can borrow an entire maternity wardrobe on a revolving basis.  It’s a subscription service to rent maternity clothes.  Peruse their clothing selections, featuring the maternity brand favorites of Princess Kate and Hollywood stars, including ASOS, Everly Grey, Isabella Oliver, Rosie Pope and so many more!  Subscription plans start as low as $39/month and include shipping and laundry service.  Shop, wear, return, repeat!11888031_672279612872621_1936838075574196820_n

Visit Bella Gravida to learn more, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on their latest additions! If you enjoyed this post, you can find all our Pregnancy posts here and on our What to Expect board on Pinterest.


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Ann September 28, 2015 - 4:49 pm

Now this is exactly what I need!!!

PGPBMeghan September 29, 2015 - 8:51 am

Right?!? I so wish this was around 9 months ago! Or even 4 years ago!!!

Emma September 23, 2015 - 2:43 pm

I’m surprised no one thought of this before! Maternity clothes are one thing you’re only going to use for a certain amount of time – it just makes sense to rent them instead of buying!

PGPBMeghan September 24, 2015 - 6:33 am

I know, so smart. My girlfriends and I created our own traveling maternity wardrobe. We just keep boxing it up and passing it to whoever gets knocked up next, but this would have been so great for work clothes, nicer dresses!


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