Most families try to live responsibly. Working to support our families, pay the mortgage, our bills and put food on the table. Managing family finances to insure the monthly paycheck covers a month’s worth of expenses, while saving for the future. But are your family finances prepared for the unexpected? More…
If your life is anything like mine, every dollar you spend matters… and every morning, you need every spare second you can get to get the kids up, dressed, fed and out the door. Want to know how to save money everyday AND find an extra 10-15 minutes every morning too? This simple…
A Wallet Resolution In 2015, I will keep to my monthly budget… If I repeat this three times while clicking my heels together, it will miraculously come true! But in all seriousness, this is my goal for 2015. Make a monthly budget, and stick to it. Anyone else out there…
Having two kids in diapers will send shock waves through your bank account… it drove me to cloth diapers! But not before I looked for the best deal I could find in disposables. The first, most basic tip – always buy the largest size box you can because it will…
When Lil’ M was born last year, I started doing two things to save my own sanity… it turns out they both saved me money too! First, instead of going to the store with two kids under two with a foot of snow on the ground, I started having groceries…
I grew up with Christmas insanity. It originated with my Grandfather – he did every holiday BIG. Big tree, the whistling train set circling the bottom complete with a village, outdoor lights visible from a block away, a weekend baking dozens of cookies, copious amounts of food, and a house…